We would welcome for you to share any information about Oldbury firms from 1945 to the 1960s. We do have some detail about what the larger firms made, who they sold to, and because of the size of the firm perhaps a few people who worked there, but there is still very little about the smaller firms.
Below you will firm listing as far as we can about all the firms in Oldbury post 1945, the address and a very short description of what they did. Can you help to fill in any detail having worked or knowing somebody who worked at any of these firms. We are sure that the list is not a complete one, so if you know different again please get in touch. Please write a few paragraphs, or pages of your memories and we hope your contribution will appear on the website and we hope will encourage others to also email us with further detail and stories.

This is an example of what would be a useful contribution:
A.B.C. Ltd. I worked there after discharge from the Army in 1947 until I found a new job in 1958. I worked on a lathe machining suspension parts for the Austin Motor Company. I believe that the firm closed down in the early 1960s. Some lovely people worked there with me including; .............................. We made machine parts for several Motor Companies including Rootes and Ford, but I think that we also made small parts for a wide range of local Companies.
Fred Bloggs, Dudley.
We realise that you might not have a computer attached to the internet that will allow you to reply, but your children and grandchildren might be able to help. Please assist us to complete your local history.
Christopher Cooper,
Langley Local History Society & Oldbury Local History Group.

Did you work at any of these?
A & C. Press Ltd., Printers, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Accles & Pollock Ltd., Steel Tube Manufacturers, Broadwell and Paddock Works, Oldbury.
Acme Spinning Co., Metal Spinners, Fisher Road, Oldbury.
Albion Bottle Co. Ltd., Glass Bottle and Glass Container Manufacturers, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Albion Galvanizing Co. Ltd., Seven Stars Road, Park Lane, Oldbury.
Albion Motors Ltd., Wolverhampton New Road, Oldbury.
Albright & Wilson Ltd., Chemical Manufacturers, Trinity Street, Oldbury.
Allan, John & Co. (Glenpark) Ltd., Non Ferrous Alloy Manufacturers, Freeth Street, Oldbury.
Anchor Bridge Body Works, Commercial Vehicle Body Assembly, Anchor Bridge, Oldbury.
Anchor Bridge Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Presswork, Birmingham Road, Oldbury.
Anderson & Woodthorpe Ltd., Chocolate Manufacturers, Dingle Street, Rounds Green, Oldbury.
Aston, Harold Ltd., Commercial Vehicle and Diesel Engineers, Causeway Green Road, Langley.
Atack, G. & D. Ltd., Industrial Electrical Engineers, Anchor Bridge, Oldbury.
Auto & Capstan Productions Ltd., Bar Products Works, Park Lane, Langley.
Avery Bros., Haulage, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Avona Printing Co., Popes Lane, Oldbury
B.I.P. Chemicals Ltd., Moulding Powders, Resins, Popes Lane, Oldbury.
Bailey & Thornton, Body Builders, Dudley Road, East, Oldbury.
Barlow Homes, Building Contractors, Pound Lane, Oldbury.
Beltane Tool Co. Ltd., Drop Forgings, Pressings, Beltane Works, Halesowen Street, Oldbury.
Bennett. W. A. Ltd., Steel Sheets, B.S.C. Works, West Bromwich Street. Oldbury.
Bentley Photo-Litho Co. Ltd., Photo-Litho Reproducers, Expedient House, Fountain Lane, Oldbury.
Bird, B. & Co. Ltd., General Engineers, Hainge Road, Oldbury.
Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd., Birchfield Garage, Oldbury.
Boden. C. G. Patternmaker, Blue Rock Quarries, Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury.
Bond Street Engineering Co. Ltd., Polishers, Birmingham Street ,Oldbury.
Bordon Metal Spinning Co., Metal Spinning, Park Lane, Langley.
Boydell, F. & Co. Ltd., Engineers, New Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury.
Brades & Nash Tyzack Industries Ltd., Brades Steel Works, Oldbury.
Brades, The, William Hunt & Sons Ltd., Brades Steel Works, Oldbury.
Bradford, N. J. Ltd., Glass Benders, Ashes Road, Causeway Green, Langley.
British Industrial Plastics Ltd., Chemicals, Popes Lane, Oldbury
British Stampings Ltd., Steel Drop Forgers, Oldbury.
British Steel Golf Shafts Ltd., Paddock Works, Oldbury
Broads Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Engineers and Iron founders, Park Lane, Oldbury
Brookes (Oldbury) Ltd., Machine Manufacturers, Rounds Green, Oldbury
Burns Bros. (Smethwick) Ltd., Engineers, Portway Road, Oldbury
Butler, P. J. & Son Ltd., Haulage Contractors, Joinings Bank, Langley
Cementation Co. Ltd., The, Piling Contractor, Tat Bank Road, Oldbury.
Central Foundry Co. Ltd., Cylinder Castings, Bromford Road, Oldbury.
Chambers & Marsh Ltd., Timber and Builders’ Merchants, Freeth Street, Oldbury.
Chance & Hunt, Works, Oldbury.
Church & Pickering Ltd., Wholesale Grocers and Provision Merchants, Thompson Road, Langley.
Clarke, A. & Co. (Smethwick) Ltd., Haulage, Dudley Road East, Oldbury.
Clayton Dewandre Co. Ltd., Car and Commercial Vehicle Component Manufacturers, Wolverhampton New Road, Oldbury.
Clayton Thomas (Oldbury) Ltd., Canal Carriers, Junction Wharf, Oldbury.
Clifco Products Ltd., Metal Fabrications, Taylors Lane, Oldbury.
Cliff, Richard Ltd., Timber Merchants and Packing Case Manufacturers, Bromford Road, Oldbury.
Comley, Alexander Ltd., Coal and Coke Merchants Broadwell Wharf, Oldbury.
Cox & Danks Ltd., Dismantlers and Metal Stockholders, Scapa Works, Langley.
Cremalt Ltd., Albion Mills, Oldbury.
Cutler Conveyor Co., Conveyor Systems Design and Manufacture, Low Town, Oldbury.
Cuxson & Gerrard Ltd., Surgical Dress and First Aid Requisites, Fountain Lane, Oldbury
Cyprus Pattern Co., Hainge Road, Oldbury.
D. & A. Accessories Ltd., Presswork, Roway Lane, Oldbury
Danks, Edwin & Co. Boiler Makers and Engineers Contractors, Dudley Road, Oldbury.
Darlington & Simpson Rolling Mills Ltd., Iron & Steel Manufacturers, Victoria Street, Oldbury.
Day T. R. Ltd., Dismantling Engineers, Tat Bank Road, Oldbury.
Deeley & Neale Ltd., General Engineers, Machinists, Albert Street, Oldbury.
Defford Heating & Pipework Ltd.. Roway Lane, Oldbury.
Dellow Engineering Co. Ltd.. Engine Street, Oldbury.
Downs, J. F. & Sons Ltd., Bacon Curers, Bristnall Hall Road, Langley.
Dunne, K., Draper, 20 Trinity Street, Langley.
Eccles, H. Patternmakers, Birmingham Road, Oldbury.
Element T. & S. Ltd., Haulage Contractors and Quarry Owners (Sand and Gravel), Halesowen Street, Oldbury.
Elwell, John Ltd., Enamelled Iron and Steel Products, Brook Street, Rood End, Langley.
Fellesco Engineering Co. Ltd., General Engineers, Old Park Lane, Langley.
Fischer, A. P. Ltd., Mining Equipment, 151 Queens Road, Londonderry, Langley.
Foster, Frederick. Ltd., Iron, Steel Merchants, Anchor Bridge, Oldbury.
Foundry Stores Ltd., Foundry Stores and Supplies, Lime Terrace, Oldbury.
Fox, T. W. Engineering (Midlands) Ltd., Machinists, Vertical Boring, Milling, Turning, Houghton Street, Oldbury.
Frost, J. T. & F. Ltd., Tools, Pressings, Park Street, Oldbury.
G. P. Petroleum Ltd., Industrial Fuel Oils, Freeth Street, Oldbury.
Geddes H. & Sons Ltd., Packing Cases, New Wolverhampton Road, Langley.
Giblin, R. J., Scrap Metals, Brades Road, Oldbury.
Giles Garnett Ltd., Engineering Services, Tool Makers, Market Street, Oldbury.
Gillard, Hughes & Co. Ltd., Welders, Hucon Works, Wolverhampton New Road, Oldbury.
Goodare, John & Joseph Ltd., Washer Manufacturers, Eagle Works, Park Lane, Oldbury.
Gowshall Ltd., Traffic Sign Manufacturers, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Hadleys Wholesale (Oldbury) Ltd., Industrial Protective Clothing, Birmingham Street, Oldbury.
Hall Foundries Ltd., Light Forgings, Engine Street, Oldbury.
Ham, Baker & Co. Engineers, Clay Lane, Langley.
Harrison A. T. & Son, Electrical Engineers, Causeway Green Road, Langley.
Haylesbury Winding Co. Ltd., Electric Motors, Radnor Fields, Churchbridge, Oldbury.
Hazelwood & Millership Ltd., Engineers, New Meeting Street, Oldbury.
Healey Mouldings Ltd., Plastic Mouldings, Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury.
Hemming, J. A. Ltd., Steel Stockholders, Orchard Street Works, Oldbury.
Hickman J. E. (Oldbury) Ltd., Corn and Seed Merchants, Freeth Street, Oldbury.
Holden & Hayes, Drop Forgings, Bridge Street, Oldbury.
Holland’s Tours Ltd., Birmingham Road, Oldbury.
Holmes Ernest (Langley) Ltd., Engineers and Contractors, Western Road, Langley.
Hooper Engineering Products Ltd., Manufacturers and Factors of Electrical and Sheet Metal Work, Nelson Street, Oldbury.
Hoopro Gauges Ltd., Pressure Vacuum Gauges, Nelson Street. Oldbury.
Hoopro Pressings, Press Worker, Nelson Street, Oldbury.
Hudson, Brown Ltd., Structural Engineers, Fountain Lane, Oldbury.
Hughes-Johnson Stampings Ltd., Stampers and Drop Forgers, Mill Lane, Langley.
Hunt Bros. (Oldbury) Ltd., Iron Founders, Engineers, Griffin Foundry, Oldbury.
Hunt, Wm. & Sons, The Brades Ltd., Edge Tools, Shovels, Brades Steel Works, Oldbury.
Ind, Coope & Allsop Ltd., Brewers, Croswells Road, Langley.
Insulated Metal Roofs Ltd., Park Lane Works, Park Lane, Langley.
J. S. K. Metal Finishes, Metal Finishers, Brades Farm Works, Roway Lane, Oldbury.
Jackson, H. H., Boilers Makers and Repairs, Hayes Road, Langley.
Jackson, William (Langley Green) Ltd, Building Contractors, Langley Road, Langley.
Joyce & Co., Tubes, Popes Lane, Oldbury.
Kimberley, Beddoes & Co. Ltd., Coal and Coke Factors and Merchants, Bromford Road, Oldbury.
Knight G. W. & Sons Ltd., General Engineers and Machinists, Market Street, Oldbury.
Langley Constructional Engineering Co. Ltd., Spring Street, Langley.
Langley Distillery Ltd., Langley Green.
Langley Forge Co. Ltd., Langley Green.
Langley Wood Wool Ltd., Wood Wool Manufacturers, Park Street, Oldbury.
Lawton, Henry Ltd., Machine Tools, Dudley Road East, Oldbury.
Leyland Motors Ltd. Service Depot, Wolverhampton New Road, Oldbury.
Light Metal Forgings Ltd., Drop Forgings, Birchfield Lane, Oldbury.
Limmer & Trinidad Co. Ltd., Asphalt, Railway Goods Yard, Oldbury.
Linnley, B. Ltd., Joinery Manufacturers, Birchfield Lane, Oldbury.
Lion Spring Co. Spring Manufacture, Broadwell Road, Oldbury.
Lock Tools Ltd., Drop Forgings, City Road, Oldbury.
London Works (Barlows) Ltd., Iron & Steel Manufacturers, Halesowen Street, Oldbury.
M.C.L. & Repetition Ltd., Turned Repetition Products, Pool Lane, Langley.
Markland, W. H., Steel Fabrications, Radnor Fields, Church Bridge, Oldbury.
Marshall Welded Steel Construction, Building Fabrications, Dudley Road, Oldbury.
Mercer, T. Ltd., Motor Haulage, Engineers, 23 Langley Green Road, Langley.
Metal Sections Ltd., Cold Rolled Section Manufacturers and Manipulators, Broadwell Road, Oldbury.
Midland Advertising & Biliposting Co. Ltd., New Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury.
Midland Cattle Products Ltd., Animal By-Products, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Midland Printing Co. Ltd., Printers, Publishers and Bookbinders, Simpson Street Oldbury.
Midland Stockholders Ltd., Iron, Steel Merchants, Bromford Road, Oldbury.
Midland Tar Distillers Ltd., Tar Products, Springfield Chemical Works, Oldbury.
Millard K. E. & Co. Ltd., Building and Civil Engineering Contractors, New Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury.
Muir & Hill Dumpers Ltd., Engineers, New Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury.
Myers M. & Son Ltd., Writing Instrument Manufacture and Office Requisites, Vicarage Street, Langley.
Nash J. & S., Fuel Distributors, Vernon Road, Oldbury.
National Benzole Co. Ltd., Springfield Chemical Works, Oldbury.
Naylor, J. W. & Sons Ltd., Engineers, Albert Street, Oldbury.
Newbury Lane Call Office & Post Office, Oldbury.
Nightingale, S. & B. Ltd., Foundry Furnishers, Albert Street, Oldbury.
Nixon, F. & A. Ltd., Haulage Contractors, Popes Lane, Oldbury.
Norstel Ltd., Scaffolding Contractors, New Wolverhampton Road, Langley.
Oldbury Automatic Plating Co. Ltd., Barrel Plating, Portway Road, Oldbury.
Oldbury Drop Forgings Ltd., Drop Forgers, Taylors Lane. Oldbury.
Oldbury Newspapers Ltd., Mill House, Simpson Street, Oldbury.
Oldbury Stamping Co. Ltd., Seven Stars Road, Oldbury.
Oldbury Steering & Coal Co. Ltd., Tat Bank Road, Oldbury.
Oldbury Transport Ltd., Contractors, 100 Dudley Road, East Oldbury.
Oldbury Wing & Panel Co., Sheet Metal, Lime Terrace, Dudley Road, Oldbury.
Pardoe & Co. Ltd., Hammers, Engineers’ Tools, Mining and Edge Tools, Manufacturers, Swan Foundry, Taylor’s Lane, Oldbury.
Parfitt, A. & C., Motor Body Builders, Lime Terrace, Dudley Road, Oldbury.
Parkes Bros., Engineers, Capstan, Small Machine Parts, Cemetery Road, Rood End, Langley.
Parkes (Classic Confectionery) Ltd., Sweet Manufacturers, Crosswells Road, Langley.
Parsons Bros., Printers, St Thompson Road, Langley.
Pattern Makers (Oldbury) Ltd., Popes Lane, Oldbury.
Pazo, The, Box and Case Makers, Fountain Lane, Oldbury.
PEL Ltd., Tubular Steel Furniture, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Pennington, Ernest F. & C, Sack Manufacturers, Fountain Lane, Oldbury.
Penny, J. & Son, Aircraft and General Steel Stockholders, Church Street, Oldbury.
Peterborough & District Tar Distillers Ltd., Springfield Chemical Works, Oldbury.
Phillips, G. S. Ltd., Structural Engineers, Park Lane, Langley.
Pontefract Brothers, Haulage, Clay Lane, Langley.
Pratt, J. W. D. Ltd., Bricks and Tiles, Newbury Lane, Oldbury.
Pyrene Co. Ltd., Chemical Dye Products, Park Street, Oldbury.
Pyrok Contracts Ltd., Fire and Condensation Treatment, Pool Lane, Langley.
Ratcliffe, F. W. & Co. Ltd., Steel Re-Rollers, Anchor Works, Oldbury.
Read, J. C. & Co. Ltd., Patternmakers, Tat Bank Road, Oldbury.
Reliance Spinning Co. (Oldbury), Popes Lane, Oldbury.
Renweld Ltd.. Welded Fabrications, Nelson Street, Oldbury.
Reynolds Engineering, Fabrications, Nelson Street, Oldbury.
Richards, J. H., Haulage, Railway Arches, Tat Bank Road, Oldbury.
Richardson, T. J. & Sons Ltd., Motor Agents, Dudley Road, East Oldbury.
Roberts David & Co. (Engineers) LTD., Steel Fabrication, Albert Street, Oldbury.
Robinson Bros. Ltd., Chemical Manufacturers, Birmingham Road, Oldbury.
Rood End Foundry Co. Ltd., Iron Founders, Tat Bank Road, Oldbury.
Saville, L.M., Drapery, Station Road, Langley, Oldbury.
Schreiber Bros. Engineering Co. Ltd., West Bromwich Street, Oldbury.
Screen Bros. Midland Boiler Works Ltd., Heavy Haulage Contractors, Dudley Road, Oldbury.
Shell-Mex & B.P. Ltd., Fuel Distribution, Langley.
Shotton Bros. Ltd., Castings, Manchester Street, Oldbury.
Sice, W. G. & Co Ltd., Shearers, and Steel Stockholders, New Wolverhampton Road, Langley.
Simplex Electric Co. Ltd., Electrical Components and Switchgear, Broadwell Road, Oldbury.
Slade, David & Sons Ltd., Coal Merchants, Langley Green Road, Langley.
Smethwick Maintenance Ltd., Factory Maintenance Engineers, Hunt Street, Oldbury.
Smith, Joe H. & Sons Hammer and Picks Manufacture, Roway Works, Roway Lane, Oldbury.
Spalding, Charles & Sons Ltd., Horse Slaughterers, Birchfield Lane, Oldbury.
Spencer, C. C. ( 1952) Ltd., Machine Tool Makers, Park Street, Oldbury.
Stelwin Construction Ltd., Metal Windows, Hope Works, Birchfield Lane, Oldbury.
Tarmac Ltd., Mining, Blue Rock Quarries, Oldbury.
Tested Spring Co. Ltd., Manufacturers of Springs in Steel, Phosphor Bronze and Brass, Hainge Road, Oldbury.
Thompson, Samuel & Sons Ltd., Maltsters, Langley Green, Making Hall Road, Oldbury.
Tinsley, W. H., Monumental Mason, Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Tipper Foundries (Oldbury) Ltd., Iron Founders, Birmingham Road, Oldbury.
Tube Products Ltd., Welded Tube Manufacturers, Popes Lane, Oldbury.
Tubes (Equipment) Ltd., Broadwell Road, Oldbury.
Tye E. D. W. & Co., Joinery Manufacture, John Street, Oldbury
Unity Foundry (Oldbury) Ltd., Non-Ferrous Founders, Unity Place, Oldbury.
Vale, Thomas & Sons Ltd., Contractors, Sewage Disposal Works, Oldbury.
Vimal Ltd., Malt Flour, Arden Grove, Langley.
W.P.M. Engineers (Rood End) Ltd., Rood End Road, Oldbury.
Warwick & Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Engineers, Capstan and General Machinists, Screw Manufacturers, Albert Street, Oldbury.
Waverley Foundry Co. Ltd., Malleable Iron Founders, Green Street, Oldbury.
Webb, J. A. & Co. Ltd., General Engineers, Park Street, Oldbury.
Weekly News, Local Newspapers, Simpson Street, Oldbury.
West Midlands Electrical Contracting Co. Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Cemetery Road, Oldbury.
Wheeler, John & Son Ltd., Iron Founders and Engineers, Ry Foundry, Clay Lane, Langley.
Wolverhampton & Birchley Rolling Mills Ltd., Steel Re-Rollers, Birchfield Lane, Oldbury.
Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries Ltd., Brewers, The Maltings, Western Road, Langley.
Wootton Haulage, Haulage Contractors, Joinings Bank, Langley.
Worcester Milling Co., General Engineering, Albion Mills, Oldbury.
World’s Wear Ltd., Manufacturer of Children’s Clothes, Tabernacle Street, Oldbury.
Get in touch about your work in Oldbury firms
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